Not many people will have escaped the global craze that is the Ice Bucket Challenge. I'm not even sure how it started - I think with celebrities in the US - but it is doing an incredible, if fleeting, job of raising awareness of ALS/MND and raising money for associated charities.
I know quite a lot of people are skeptical about the value of the challenge. And I can understand why. It's all too easy to get on board with the latest viral craze - especially when it has a link to a charitable cause - and then pat ourselves on the back that we have 'done something'. But I think there is real value in this frenzied chucking of ice cold water over our heads:
- It raises awareness of the disease, or even just the name Motor Neurone Disease (which is barely known and often confused with MS or other neurodegenerative disorders)
- It propagates, and by nominating others we have the opportunity to share and pass on each other's stories. I've been touched by the number of people that have mentioned my mum in their challenge.
- It raises money that is vitally needed and well used (currently more than £4M in the UK). Whether it's funding research, or helping people to get the aids they need to live with MND, the UK MNDA does fantastic work. And they are overwhelmed by this lump of funding that has suddenly come their way. The craze will soon be over, but the ripples of what that money can do will be long-lasting.
And if you haven't seen enough of these - here's mine -